Healthcare Mission Accelerators

AWS in Healthcare

Amazon Web Services (AWS) healthcare mission is to enable access and delivery of person-centred care in order to improve outcomes and lower costs by accelerating the digitisation and utilisation of healthcare data. Our aim is to help the National Health Service (NHS) and its partners develop cloud strategies to achieve more with less, modernise technology, and digitally transform back office and clinical services.

Mission Accelerators

Mission Accelerators can help NHS organisations achieve strategic goals and accelerate outcomes. By leveraging AWS expertise in areas like health data, genomics, telehealth, and cloud adoption the NHS can build capabilities to improve patient care. The AWS Team and our partners can provide NHS teams with assets like reference architectures, technical workshops, and leadership sessions to build knowledge and skills. Our aim is to help NHS organisations innovate quickly and safely with cloud technologies by adding value, enabling the NHS workforce, and supporting healthcare mandates. AWS Mission Accelerators are a path for NHS organisations to learn from AWS cloud leadership while accelerating their missions.

Getting started with AWS cloud

We know adoption of cloud seems challenging for NHS organisations with privacy constraints, complex systems and limited budgets. But with the right guidance, the cloud can unlock transformation tailored to your needs. Our exclusive 5-step NHS adoption journey enables gradual skill-building and secure scaling without disrupting existing services. Start small by trialing solutions to high-impact challenges using our free tier services. With AWS supporting your pace of change, you can progressively transition legacy platforms to cloud-native architectures over time. With the right pace and partnership, you can unlock the cloud’s transformative potential in savings, security and innovation without disrupting services.

AWS Cloud Fundamentals

This essential primer builds cloud computing fluency across NHS organisations starting their cloud adoption journey. Gain understanding of fundamental concepts like AWS cloud services for storage, compute, networking and more. With this foundational knowledge, NHS leaders and staff will be equipped to envision how cloud can strategically transform healthcare IT to better address challenges in delivering patient care, managing data, and facilitating collaboration. Developing core cloud literacy empowers and accelerates NHS cloud adoption.

AWS Data Egress Waiver

As NHS organisations increasingly adopt cloud services, data egress fees can become a significant and unpredictable cost. To address this, AWS has introduced the NHS Data Egress Waiver, which provides discounted data transfer pricing for outbound traffic from AWS to the internet. This waiver helps NHS organisations better manage cloud costs by removing the complexities of estimating and forecasting data egress charges. By establishing consistent, discounted pricing, the waiver enables more predictable budgeting and cost savings.

HIMMS INFRAM Accreditation

The HIMSS Infrastructure Adoption Model (INFRAM) is a globally recognised framework that guides healthcare organisations in achieving optimal IT infrastructure capabilities. As a HIMSS INFRAM partner, Amazon Web Services is well-positioned to support NHS organisations in their journey towards INFRAM accreditation. AWS offers a comprehensive suite of cloud services and solutions that align with INFRAM requirements, enabling NHS organisations to establish a secure, scalable, and reliable IT infrastructure. By leveraging AWS native services and collaborating with AWS Partners, NHS organisations can accelerate their progress through the INFRAM stages, from foundational to advanced levels. AWS provides the necessary tools, expertise, and support to help NHS organisations overcome challenges, drive innovation, and ultimately deliver better patient care. With AWS as a trusted partner, NHS organisations can confidently pursue HIMSS INFRAM accreditation at every level, ensuring their IT infrastructure is ready to support the ever-evolving needs of modern healthcare delivery.

Learning and Events

The NHS Digital Skills program, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), fosters a culture of continuous learning and innovation, aiming to bolster operational efficiency, enhance cybersecurity resilience, and position your organization at the vanguard of digital healthcare delivery. Through this comprehensive initiative, clinical staff will be empowered with cloud-based tools to elevate patient engagement and optimize workflows, while leaders will gain strategic insights into cloud adoption, enabling informed decision-making to drive digital transformation. Simultaneously, technical teams will receive training on cloud architecture, security, and scalability, equipping them to design, deploy, and maintain robust healthcare systems.

AWS and our partners also host a series of events including, workshops, panels, and networking sessions tailored specifically for healthcare professionals. These interactive events cover a wide range of topics, including improving patient outcomes, optimising workflows, leveraging digital health solutions, enhancing staff well-being, and achieving sustainability goals. Inspiring speakers, hands-on working sessions, and peer networking opportunities will provide your organisation with practical, actionable strategies that can make a real difference for your patients, workforce, and communities.

AWS Cloud Adoption Evaluator

Embark on your cloud transformation with the AWS Cloud Adoption Evaluator. Our dedicated AWS team will guide you and your organisation’s on a cloud journey path by assessing your IT landscape, gauging cloud readiness, and tailoring migration strategies all supported in data and best practice. Collaboratively, we’ll help sculpt a roadmap to success, leveraging AWS’s cloud services, cloud software providers, and strategic partners.

Amazon UK Social & Economic Impact

Amazon has had a major impact on the social and economic landscape across the UK since it first launched its operations in the country in 1998. As an e-commerce and cloud computing giant, Amazon has created thousands of jobs, boosted local UK economies, and transformed how consumers shop and businesses operate. To find out how Amazon has help in you region use the link below: