Getting started with AWS Cloud

The cloud offers tremendous opportunities for NHS organisations to improve efficiency, security, innovation and deliver better care. However, transitioning to the cloud can seem daunting. This guide provides a practical 5 step approach to help your organisation successfully adopt cloud technologies, at your own pace.

The 5 key steps we recommend are:

  1. Learn – Begin your cloud journey by acquiring essential knowledge about cloud computing, its benefits and potential challenges. Understanding the fundamentals of cloud types, security, governance and sustainability which will empower you to make informed decisions as an NHS leader.
  2. Start Small – Dip your toes into the cloud by initiating a small-scale pilot project. This hands-on experience will provide valuable insights, data and build confidence in the cloud’s capabilities. This will inform any future business cases and show the art of the possible
  3. Build a foundation – Establish a solid foundation for your cloud adoption with an AWS Cloud Landing Zone. This structured approach ensures security, compliance and efficiency in your cloud infrastructure from your first workload and others to follow.
  4. Engage – Invest in building a skilled workforce capable of understanding and  managing cloud resources effectively. Developing cloud expertise within your team is vital for long-term success.
  5. Scale – Gradually assess and migrate from on-premises IT to the cloud, scaling your operations to leverage the full potential of cloud technology. This step marks a significant transformation in your NHS cloud journey.

This step-by-step approach allows NHS organisations to embrace the opportunities of the cloud in a structured and responsible manner. Small beginnings enable big transformations.